Miss 2 in our house has a big personality. She is number 3 in the family and loves to hang out with her big brothers. We often say she is a 5 year old boy in a 2 year old girls body. She has great physical skills and keeps up easy. We went camping on the weekend and people were amazed as she tore down the BMX track on her balance bike screaming with delight!
As she often lives in big brother land it is fun on school days when I get to see her being 2. So here is her day.
Breakfast - if you can call it that, she is my on off eater. Sometimes she will wake up hungry a woof down a weetbix, other days she will have a mouthful here or there and then eat two pieces of fruit on the bike ride to school.
School Run - Everyday she jumps in the bike trailer and hitches a ride to school. We love being able to ride to school it somehow turns every day into a good day, the fresh air, the chats on the way and the exercise all make us happier.
New Park - On this day we went to visit a new park Number 1 Dad had told us about. Number 1 Dad is a Landscape Architect so he has his finger on the pulse when it comes to parks. This one got the thumbs up.
"I love this park, my park"
We have suggested that we should get a job as playground testers!
Box Fun - A simple box and box monster is born.
Drawing - On the floor when Mum isn't looking................................
Cleaning - The floor, which was probably enjoyed to much!
Rest Time - In our our house this consists of 30mins quiet play in her room listening to Enid Blyton's The Faraway Tree (we have these audio books and all my kids adore them.......a.whole other blog really). Miss Two is my first to cut her day sleep out early so this has been a learning curve for both of us.
Birthday Cake - A Birthday party for her dolls
Playdough Birthday Cakes - Because every one loves birthday cakes.
Panda Eating Playdough Birthday Cakes - Why not everyone loves a birthday cake, the singing that went with this was hilarious! And while this was happening I squeezed in some baking.
Opps - Mum forgot to put the flour away, and it was discovered by Miss 2 while I was hanging out washing!
Back to school and onto the afternoon adventures of 3!