Monday, 9 February 2015

Paw Paw Chutney

A friend of ours had their Paw Paw tree blown over in the wind.  So there were lots of free green paw paws being given away.  We grabbed a couple and on the weekend made Paw Paw Chutney.  We would never buy green paw paws so this is a little something delicious that only ever happens when we stumble upon some green paw paws.

Paw Paw Chutney Recipe (Recipe from a neighbour)

  • 1kg of green Paw Paw
  • 1kg sugar
  • 100g of preserved or crystallised ginger (I use naked ginger)
  • 1 cup of Sultanas (I am always generous on these)
  • 6 Cloves
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 600mls of white vinegar
  • 2 small Chillies

Finely chop Paw Paw, ginger and chillies
Put all ingredients except sugar in a pot
Bring to boil and simmer til Paw Paw is soft
Add Sugar and simmer steadily for 45 minutes (or add jam setter and boil rapidly as per instructions.  I never have jam setter so I always just simmer for 45 minutes)

This simple chutney gets my kids eating things they usually don't eat.  You just dip it in chutney.  It's been at least 3 years since we had any so bring on meals with Paw Paw Chutney.

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious, can't wait to taste some


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