Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Organisation Mission - Revisited

Piles Be Gone!

Way back on the 21st Jan I was on a mission to organise my space, to make life simplier.  You see when my space is organised when things get crazy.........................and I mean rush home from swimming, get dinner on, do reading with the boys while entertaining Miss 2 busy. It is much easier if I can just grab the books we need to read or give Miss 2 an enticing busy bag.

I started small with my desk and the kitchen bench. My aim to have clear working spaces each night for the next day.

Well I started off great but we are now two months down the track and I have started to slide down the slippery slope into the depth of pile kaos.  So my promise to me this week is tidy working spaces at the end of each day.  Desk, table and bench as these are the spaces we function in all the time and if they are organised it makes it so much easier to get things down when 100 things are going on at once.

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